Sunday, May 06, 2007

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Star Wars: The Movie Menace

Ok, im sorry to all you nerds out there, but i just have the urge to pound on star wars for a minute. The movies are so pathetic! They're about a galaxy full of flat faced knuckleheads that fight each other with flashlights. For example. Mace Windu: famouse jedi knight and all around Bozo. He goes to fight the lord of the sith, and takes only three measly little whimps who get killed before the battles halfay over! If I was that guy, I'd bring the whole freakin' jedi army! And then he sits there and lets Anakin try to talk him out of it! I'd have killed the miserable little demon before Anakin could say anything about it! And when he is sitting there force lightning me, I'd have kicked him in a tender place and that would be the end of that! And Anakin! The rockhead kills people and then goes and CRIES about it! And when he finds out about the emperor, he sits there and just POINTS the lightsaber at him. I'd have lopped the stupid mongrels head off on the spot! And he has the bright idea that if he strangles Padme, he will save her from death. She begs him to go with her and leave the sith behind, but noo! He has to freakin kill her! Heck, if she asked me the same thing id be like, Shure! You're word is law girl! And OBI WAN! what a geek. He pulls a freakin gun on Grievous. and he calls himself a jedi. Pathetic. And while anakin is sitting there, strangling him, he just sits there! Shure, Anakin is holding his Saber arm, but you can still move youre wrist! He could of lopped anakins head off right there, but he sits there. I hope George Lucas reads this, and takes a hint in any further movies he makes.

Star Wars: The Movie Menace

Ok, im sorry to all you nerds out there, but i just have the urge to pound on star wars for a minute. The movies are so pathetic! They're about a galaxy full of flat faced knuckleheads that fight each other with flashlights. For example. Mace Windu: famouse jedi knight and all around Bozo. He goes to fight the lord of the sith, and takes only three measly little whimps who get killed before the battles halfay over! If I was that guy, I'd bring the whole freakin' jedi army! And then he sits there and lets Anakin try to talk him out of it! I'd have killed the miserable little demon before Anakin could say anything about it! And when he is sitting there force lightning me, I'd have kicked him in a tender place and that would be the end of that! And Anakin! The rockhead kills people and then goes and CRIES about it! And when he finds out about the emperor, he sits there and just POINTS the lightsaber at him. I'd have lopped the stupid mongrels head off on the spot! And he has the bright idea that if he strangles Padme, he will save her from death. She begs him to go with her and leave the sith behind, but noo! He has to freakin kill her! Heck, if she asked me the same thing id be like, Shure! You're word is law girl! And OBI WAN! what a geek. He pulls a freakin gun on Grievous. and he calls himself a jedi. Pathetic. And while anakin is sitting there, strangling him, he just sits there! Shure, Anakin is holding his Saber arm, but you can still move youre wrist! He could of lopped anakins head off right there, but he sits there. I hope George Lucas reads this, and takes a hint in any further movies he makes.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Html for dummies, namely, me.

Please Benol, teach me the art of HTML!!!!!I beg it of you!!!!! (and javascript)

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Little Blue Garden Knome From Mars Show 2

Announcer: Welcome back to the Little Blue Garden (Puff Puff!!) Knom From Mars Show!!! In our last episode, Knome won his first debate against Dr. Big Glasses, thereby proving that the world is in fact a cube, and that people in Antarctica don't walk upside down, contrary to popular belief, but mostly because there isn't anybody on antarctica anyways. Today, we will unlock the true meaning of the word, I hate to say this in public, CHEESE!!!
Knome: Hello everyone!!! Now that we are all here, let's begin our topic of discusion. Allow me to Hallucinate: There is a word that everyone knows, but no one knows what it truly means. That word is ... CHEESE!!! Don't be frightened, just hear me out. The meaning of the word is deep and meaningfull. The meaning includes everyone, man and woman, child, and the opposite of those guys, it involves the freedoms of every lizard on the rock in the middle of the sahara, if there even is one. It involves(eth) the dream that I dreamteth the other night(eth), and the one that the(eth) guy that got(eth) shot(eth) dreamteth the night(eth) a long(eth) time ago(eth). It involves the hope that me and my neighbor can sit at the table of brotherhood and enjoy a good food fight(eth). (sorry, I had to do it) It includes Life, Liberty, And The Persuit Of Happiness!!!!, but mostly, it just means a hunk of moldy milk. But then again, what's the difference?
Announcer: So, is that it? is that the meaning of the word cheese?
Knome: Have you ever wondered what color Black Holes really are?
Announcer: What, Wha...????
Knome: I mean if you get right down to it, it really doesn't matter if the ham sandwich won the super bowl at all.
Announcer: ?????
Knome: Come on, think! I was a whiz at calculus in fourth grade.
Announcer: Wha? Who? Why? ???!!!
Knome: And all the while, they never realized that bubble gum was actually...
Announcer: What are you doing?!!!
Knome: They could hear the gun cock as the hunter cocked his weapon, and expected to get their lungs blown out any minute now...
Announcer: Knome!!!!
Knome: Faloobadahacornafuemensargwha????
Announcer: ???
Announcer: Parakeet!!! You've been messing with the scripts again havent you!!??!!!
Parakeet: No!!! It was Mrs. Woodall this ti...
Announcer: HaHA!!!!I knew it was You!!!!
Mrs Woodall: Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

Friday, October 14, 2005

G-man comic 1

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Oh yes, check out my own sprite sheet!And with my favourite guy too!
Oh yes!!! This guy rocks! I don't care if he wins, Obi wan doesn't stand a chance!!!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Commercial Break (but not a break from the madness)

Joes Mustard Farm
(Joe stands on stage looking like a hillbilly)
Joe: Howdy, I'm Joe, an' this is Joe's mustard farm. Now is ya chance ta meet a famuos person. If ya win this contest hea, I will personally delliver two tons o' mustard to ya front door. All ya have ta do is send us a picture of ya favorite truck. The truck that looks the mos' like a redneck's truck will win! Thank ya'll!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Why someone would challenge space travel :mad(

  1. Space travel costs too much
  2. The money could be used for humanitarian aide
  3. Waste of materials
  4. Pollutes atmosphere leading to global warming (whine whine, according to scientists, earth is warming ina natural cycle. If it continues, we'll be plunged into a deep- freeze, and I'll say "Global warming my foot!"
  5. We should focus on problems here.
  6. WERE AFRAID OF SPACE!!!!( or at least those ninnys are.)

Why space travel is important to knome.

Hey you! Do you like velcroe? Do you like your car? How 'bout the internet or even your computer? If you would like like to stop space travel, through all that stuff and more away, 'cause most of that stuff was developed in space. Also, let the hospitols and doctors through most of the vaccines away, we wouldn't know how to stop them from being contaminated. You should also consider that your great great great grandkid is gonna be walkin around outside with barely enough room to do so and barely enough oxygen to breath as well, because of extreme overpopulation. However, if we continue space travel, we might be able to spread out in the solar system.

VENTING!!!! puff puff

Issues Knome is passionate about:
  1. the true shape of the earth
  2. Neg-abortion
  3. keeping brain dead people with no recovery chance alive
  4. politics (they're all corrupt)
  5. Continuing space travel
  7. taxes
  8. homework
  9. chain down Terry Pratchet and force him to write a book a day
  10. The Idiocy of humanity.

The K.O.B.R.A. Hunt

So far so good, Agent Thomas thought. He was crouched in a storage room behind a row of tough metal boxes. The smell of acid was strong in the air, he guessed that this dark, grey room had once been a laboratory. He felt something crawl onto his shoulder. It could have been a spider or a centipede, but nothing in the world would make the agent move after what he had just seen. It hadn't even been part of his mission, which had turned out to be a false alarm. Now, he needed to get back to the CIA and report the new find, a horror too immense to describe. The thing, however, was tracking him, and might soon find him. Trying to escape now would only worsen things.

Then a new smell hit him, one he recognized with fear. It was the smell of rotten meat, the kind you get when you leave a butcher knife on the counter for too long without washing it. The smell made him nauseous, almost violently so. He started to breath very slowly now, trying to minimize his sounds. Then, the smell was accompanied by a noise. Clicking. He tried to think of all the possible reasons for such a noise, when he heard them getting louder. It's getting closer! Agent Thomas thought, and he wished he could quell the heart that hammered rapidly in his chest. Then, the clicking sound seemed to be right next to his position. He held his breath as it passed by him, he could imagine the thing walking slowly, to make share it didn't miss him. The clicking faded away, until his ears could no longer hear it. He took a breath and wiped his sweat stained forehead. He stood up, knowing that this was his chance. Any minute now, the thing might discover a dead end, and come back. He tread so carefully that he barely disturbed the inch thick dust that covered the area, smooth as marble except where he had stepped as he came in the room. The smell lingered, like a bucket used for compost, left on the table. Something was nagging at his mind. Some clue or something that wasn't right. The agent worked around the tables, to the stairs at the end of the room. The moment his foot touched the first stair, he bolted. He turned the corner and stopped.

The thing was there, waiting for him. 'The dust, there were no tracks in the dust!' he realized. 'It was mimicking passing me.' It was a robot taller than a man. There were three eyes, one infrared, one x-ray, and one that saw visible light. Six arms extended out of the main body, two equipped with a thin blade, two equipped with a Multi-Carbinal gun, and two more with dagger like claws. There were two legs, ending in padded feet with four raised claws. The machine was a horror to behold, but the worst part was the maw. It was big enough to fit a man inside, and there were spiked wheels in it. The area below the "mouth" was caked in blood.
The eyes flashed once as it recognized it's prey. It lunged with speed far surpassing his own. Mere luck saved agent Thomas from being impaled by the black blades. Instantly, the robot twisted in midair, and let a spray of bullets from two of it's hands in his direction. The bullets slammed into the floor and ceiling. The agent gasped and fell to the floor at the same time the robot did, soundlessly. He recognized the bullet by the wound made in his side, it was a forty four millimeter, a huge bullet. The robot paused to check his actions. It wants to decide whether or not I've been mortally injured. He thought. He stood up, pulling out a small pistol. He fired three shots into the robot. It hesitated as the bullets buried themselves in him. The machine was obviously confused about the occurrence. Agent Thomas took this moment to roll down the rest of the stairs, across the lab, and throw the charge he had set the moment he had been shot, at the robot. The reaction was instantaneous. It had barley left his hand before the robot shot the small charge, setting it off and the explosion enveloped the entire room.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Characters of the show.

Knome: The main characters. Like most people here, he is as mad as a march hare. People are never able to contend with his ferociouse arguments.
Announcer: Announces for the show. often runs out of breath somewhere in Knomes full name
Dr. Big Glasses: The head of the studies of earth and everything else. Argues with Knome frequently about Earth's shape.
Parakeet: Friend of Knomes. not as mad as everyone else.
Mrs. Woodall: Teacher of the insane duo Knome and Parakeet. She fervantly wishes the last day of school would hurry up.(NOT A CHANCE!!!

The little blue knome show, episode 1

Announcer: Hello, and welcome to the one, the only, Little
Blue Garden Knome From Mars Show! Here we will seek his infinite knowledge and discover the secrets of the universe and the meaning of the word, dare I say it... CHEESE ( big gasp from radio in plain sight.) And now, I am pleased to present, THE LITTLE BLUE GARDEN (puff puff as he takes a breath break) KNOME FROM MARS!!!!!( applause ehcoes throughout the empty stadium from the radio.)
{ I walk out onto the platform.}
Knome: Ho there! Now, I will begin our show with an interesting topic of discussion. And acting as the defender of modern science is Dr Big Glasses, the top world studier thing. I argue Dr. Glasses, that the world is not a sphere, or a disk. It is a cube, and I can prove it.
Dr.: Well that is a really absurd Idea. Of course the world is round, and I can prove that!
K: Really, well then, state your reasons.
Dr.:If you were to fly a plane from a certain spot, and fly directly north, south, east, or west, you would wind up in the same spot if you kept traveling.
K: HAHAHA!!! Yes, that is true, but what you dont realize is that at the ends of the earth, there is an invisible portal that transports you to the other side when you pass through. You feel no different as you change, nad if you stood halfway through, you would be standing in two places at once.
Dr.: Well now, that can't be true!
K: Prove why not.
Dr.: When we look at the earth through satellite images, it shows the earth as a sphere.
K: Have you ever heard of the government? They don't want people to know too much, they loose power that way, so they bug the sattelites so that on earth, they show pictures, but in zero gravity, they show computer generated images of a spherical earth.
Dr. But what about astronaughts? They report that the Earth is round.
K: Ah yes, they do, but the gov't intercepts your radio and changes it, and brainwashes them afterward so instead of reports of a square Earth, it comes out as a round one.
K: Were all mad here, nothing's reasonable.
A: And so Knome has now won the first debate of this show. Goodbye!

Rubric for writer's blog "included as a entree"

1: Six posts under a cerain catagory of apropriet length (topic posts count for administrators of this forum.)
2: Due during the week of the first tuesday of every month
3: Adioblogs must be at least three minutes and sound version of legible
4: Original, must help develope you as a writer.
5 : Shows thought and reflection ( especially on the random questions I have.)

Monday, October 03, 2005


Ohh yes! now that is one awsome animal!